How many bookable staff members do you have?

$0 /month
5 Reservations

HaircutStar pricing is simple, and you can change your plan at any time. No credit card required!

Pricing Comparison Table

More Appointments

After joining HaircutStar, barbers’ appointments volume increases by more than 60%.

Less Headache

Hairstylists who join HaircutStar, reduce waiting time 2× and increase customers count per day 1.5× times

New Customers

Tap into people walking near you and promote your shop with HaircutStar's marketing options.

Proven ROI

Barbers/Hairstylists who uses online Booking by HaircutStar are 13 times more likely to get positive ROI, and they generate ​67% more booking, than their peers.

How HaircutStar Works

A client books on or your website
A client books on or your website
Barber gets notification on the app
We send you the order via our platform
Barber approves or rejects an appointment
Approve or reject the appointment
Barber meets client to cut his hair
Meet your client!

Online is the only way to do business in 21st century.

Doing online appointments is no longer a luxury — it's a necessity. We believe in empowering everyone to get most of their time.

Around-the-Clock Access. With the help of the internet, consumers can now literally book online around-the-clock.

Explore Demo

Only Great company gives you all this for free...

  • Free website template
  • Online reservation platform
  • Reservation management
  • Booking widget on your website
  • Professional shareable webpage on
  • Short link for easy sharing
  • Mobile app
  • Full access barber/hairstylist only messaging and classified board

Included With Paid Plans

  • Automated appointment reminder and Thank You

  • Next bank day deposits

  • Clients booking history

  • Import customer contacts

  • Accept credit card payments

  • Full clients' payments tracking during checkout, including tips

  • Track sales and growth trends

  • Review daily income reports